Many Georgia residents who get pulled over for speeding or some other seemingly minor traffic violation may think that the easiest thing to is pay the fine and move on with life. This is particularly true if the person’s driving record is relatively clean.
However, for those who drive for a living, particularly those who hold a commercial license, some tickets can be career-killers or, at best, leave the driver looking for new employment.
For one, employers and insurance companies alike pay careful attention to driving records.
Too many traffic violations, or even one or a handful of more serious violations, can make it simply too risk, and expensive, to keep a driver behind the wheel, even if they are otherwise good at what they do.
Certain traffic violations can lead to the loss of commercial driving privileges
Some traffic violations can lead to loss of the privilege to operate commercial vehicles.
For example, two speeding tickets in short amount of time, if the driver was traveling at least 15 miles over the limit, mean that the driver will not be allowed to operate many commercial vehicles for 60 days.
Likewise, following too closely or making improper lane changes are also serious violations, and any two serious violations in a three-year period results in a 60-day disqualification. Subsequent offenses within the same time frame will result in a disqualification of 120 days.
Violation of texting and driving laws are also considered serious.
An alcohol-related violation will lead to a 1-year disqualification
On a related point, drunk or drugged driving, even if it does not happen in a commercial vehicle, will lead to a 1-year disqualification for a first-time offense.
A second violation means a person is barred for life from having commercial driving privileges, although they may be able to get reinstated after 10 years.
The same rules apply if a person is operating a commercial vehicle and test at a .04 blood alcohol content or higher, even if the person cannot be criminally charged with drunk driving.
In short, commercial drivers may have every incentive to dispute or try to negotiate their traffic tickets.